Monday, January 31, 2011

PS|PR: What is Public Relations?!

Hi Socialites,

Welcome to PS|PR, our new blog section brought to you by the Public Relations department of Professional Socialites. Yes, I am aware that I am the Public Relations department, but I digress. With PS|PR I will give tips for hiring/working with a PR pro, handling some of your own PR, advice for students and aspiring publicists (which I believe in this ever-changing industry, we all shall always be) and good ideas to pass along.

Samantha Jones made PR look glamorous on Sex & the City. I suppose showing her tirelessly editing press releases, planning product launches and staying glued to her BlackBerry for client's Google updates would take away from the plot line!  

To begin, "What the *!^# is Public Relations?" When brands and small businesses contact us about Professional Socialites' PR services, it is not unusual to find that most don't understand exactly what public relations is, or how exactly it works. Many people assume that PR is interchangeable with marketing or advertising. But they do start out with one right idea - recognizing that PR is a vital part of their company's success!

Here's the breakdown for those who are still a little fuzzy on the difference between advertising and PR: Advertising is paid means of communicating about your brand, and it's usually one-way communication (talking AT your audience). PR lets you communicate with people (investors, customers, community leaders, your great-grandma Geraldine who loves to hear good buzz about your company) through earned placement, and can (and should!) be two-way communication - your company talking TO these people. I love diagrams, and this handy-dandy one breaks it down nicely:
Once you've determined which you actually need, it is time to get to work! You can, and many people do, handle PR within your company. But seeking out the services of a professional is a way to ensure that you get a skilled communicator with a great contact list and fresh, objective ideas (that aren't already doing the other 10,000+ tasks you already have under your belt).

Professional Socialites provides public relations consulting for luxury lifestyle, entertainment and fashion brands and businesses, but please feel free to contact us with your needs.

Now... go forth, and get your PR on!


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